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 Judith Ann Hawkins is the mother of Halle BerryHalle, real name Halle Maria Berry professionally serves as an actress Also, Judith herself served as a psychiatric nurse Judith Ann Hawkins with her daughter Halle Berry Source Who did Judith Ann marry? Photo Chris PizzelloPool Van Hunt, Halle Berry's boyfriend, is a dad Given that he is 50 years of age, it makes sense that he has a kid However, understand that the kid is not his and Halle Berry's, but is from his previous relationship Van Hunt's son is 17 years of age as of Halle Berry Early Life, Age The absolutely amazing actress who also has one of a kind charm, Halle Berry, the famous actress, was born on , in Cleveland, Ohio, United States of America At the moment, Halle is already 53 years old, and as people like to say, Halle has already crossed the silver jubilee of her life in terms of age

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